Sunday, May 17, 2020

Operational Definition Of Compensation And Presentation...

3.2. Research Design 3.2.1. Operational Definition of Variables As it is indicated in the objectives of the study the researcher tried to mention some operational variables. The first one is procedures in this study it shows the steps or activities through which the compensation processes should pass. The second is landholder, in this regard as it is indicated in Ethiopian Constitution, 1995, Art.40 (3) land is belongs to the state and the people of Ethiopia in common. So individually landholding right is given for land property but not ownership right. Thus it has to be understood in this concept. 3.2.2. Research Approach This study was designed to address the assessment of compensation practices for rural land expropriation in Adea†¦show more content†¦Five concerned local officials were also purposely selected for interviews to get detail information. 3.4.1. Documentary Review Documentary review began with the review and analysis of existing documents of different sources: policies, programs, expropriation laws and regulation of Ethiopia and reports pertaining to real property valuation related compensation .This review provided valid empirical bases for the study. 3.4.2. Interview Interviews with five leaders of concerned offices (woreda Administration, Land Administration and Investment through structured questions are deployed to explore respondent’s sincere feelings and perceptions about the problem under study was conducted, and to gather information explain issues at their proper unstructured place. 3.4.3. Questionnaires The purpose of the questionnaire is to generate comprehensive information from as many households as possible and valuation committee which are organized from woreda Administration, Land Administration, Investment offices. Accordingly, quantitative data is gathered from household using closed-ended and structured questionnaires. The questionnaires were designed with multiple-choice responses mainly structured to address each research question. Open-ended questions seeking commentary, suggestions and recommendations related to the study generally are also included. It was conducted on a house-to-house basis by trainedShow MoreRelatedManagement Advisory Services Review2269 Words   |  10 Pagesmanagement accounting systems 1. Nature and classification of costs 2. Basics of cost behavior; cost classification on financial statements; flow of costs in manufacturing, commercial, trading or service companies 3. Splitting mixed costs - high-low method, least-squares regression, scatter graph 4. System design: Job order costing and process costing 5. System design: Activity-based costing and management; rationale, advantages, limitations and design of an ABC system. c. 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